ESM Analysis Documentation Status

Analysis Scripts for ESM Simulations


esm_analysis is the sugar for your bitter CDO-coffee. Check it out:

Install esm_analysis with:

pip install esm_analysis

Go to an experiment:

cd /work/ba0989/a270077/AWICM_PISM/LGM_011

Get a climatology:

esm_analysis newest-climatology temp2
esm_analysis newest-climatology thetao

Calculate AMOC:

esm_analysis amoc

Figure out how long your run takes:

esm_analysis logfile-stats ${PATH_TO_LOG_FILE}

Isn’t that better than this? (Note that the counterexample is purposefully “over-the-top”)

outdata_dir=... # oh man now I need to figure out where the outdata is
expid=PI # ...uh...PI, I guess?... # ...I guess I should think of a real name for my output
vars=temp2 # Oh! I know that one!
fileext=".nc" # Aww geez I have no idea. Is it nc? grb? Let's just guess...
# How did cdo work again?
cdo -h select
cdo -h timmmean
# Ok, now I think I know what I want:
cdo -f nc -t echam6 -timmean -select,name=$vars ${outdata_dir}/${expid}_${filepattern}${fileext} $outfile

I’d support the following hypothesis: you clearly don’t want to type all that stuff out. Just say what you want. Easy, right?

The computer should be able to figure out the rest for you. If Google can predict where I get my breakfast, why can’t my computer figure out what CDO command I want to use??


  • Command line interface: Quickly create common analyses!
  • Python library usage: Same analysis as with the CLI, but you get back usable xarray.Dataset objects! Just do temp2_plot = analyzer("temp2").plot() to get a matplotlib plot!
  • Free software: GNU General Public License v3!
  • Documentation:!